Monday, 29 June 2009

Memoirs pinned on a wall

Reminiscences, of a tiring mind,
they come and go, leaving none behind.

I wonder what, my heart would say,
to memoirs pinned on a wall of clay.

From love and song, to sorrow utter,
like sticky notes, in the wind aflutter.

I see, one trying to break away,
the wind too strong for it to stay.

My heart believes, that after all,
it must be pain, that leaves the wall,

For all the love, I got from thee,
my wall; a collage of tragedy.

Some shall be gone, some here to stay,
memoirs pinned on a wall of clay.



  1. I like this one very much...very telling

  2. Reminders of the life I chose
    Experience so humbling
    Alas, I fear the truth exposed
    Will the walls start crumbling?

  3. What can I say, very telling indeed but reaching out to hearts in others...

  4. Lovely, I just chanced upon your blog.
